Friday, 7 February 2014

An open letter to Modi fans.

I am well past the age of hero worshipping and am in a age where i can appreciate perfection and extra ordinary qualities in various mind sets and even in persons having a altogether different mind set from that of mine.Just that facet and not what that individual is or what he or she stands for.So  it is difficult for me to decode this unstinting loyalty that brooks not even a tiny bit of opposition to a person viz modi [though  i am in consonance with his view India first and his emphasis on development ]which reminds me of that which was similarly bestowed on Anna in the height of his campaign against corruption largely by youngsters.
I have a feeling that i have in some way that is by my writings etc have at certain times hurt the feelings of Modi's young followers.Hence i am offering this explanation to those who are willing to listen.

First i am in a abnormal and extraordinary situation.The Intel's with their sophisticated gadgets have parked themselves all around me so as to control my movements, emotions and even thought process.Those who are amazed that such gadgets could ever exist even if you  have read people cookers com [which has given a true list ]and do not believe it or what i am saying just spare a thought as to how human beings sitting 1000's and even  lakhs of kms away in earth are able to control the direction and movements satellites,space crafts in the outer space.The latest being the mangalayan orbiter.Just  a fraction of that stupendous technology is all that is needed by secret services to control human beings in their vicinity. Ultra sonic sounds can make dogs bark, cats to snarl and wake up roosting crows at midnight to caw in fear as well as cause intermittent buzzing sound in my ears whilst going to bed to stir up my brain and emotions to belch out ideas and fury in the daytime.So i am a victim of state's control .

I decided not to go to the state police because of the futility of it all .
1. No doubt the police will act  but i may get trapped in long winding court proceedings for which i have neither patience nor the energy.
2. The reach of this central service is too far and wide to be checked so easily.
3. Just as i had decided in 2012 I'll wait it out even if more and more screws are being put ,till the elections since it is my belief that with a change in govt  in centre i ll be of little use to any politicos and will be discarded immediately as a rag.But if it persists naturally i will approach the state police.

I am giving these lengthy explanation because  if my writings appear to hurt you all  in some way or the other bear it in mind that several of  it is not of my own volition and at various others  the result of deliberate prodding, suggestions, hypnosis etc.

1.I realise that my current role [apart from being the favourite whipping girl of the ruling party]is to provide ideas to shore up A. Kejriwal's --[one who is being projected as the main rival of modi by media pundits and other interested parties] --honest activist image in all probability by Cong  which has become desperate and has lost the big picture[that in the next incumbency  wave whenever that may be they can make a comeback,preferably with a strong Hindu leader at the helm]  and is hell bent as i have realised with my own personal experiences at their hands in keeping bjp in general and modi in particular at bay .

2. I offered my services to bjp here at Chennai as i have become a member of bjpand continue to be one but they are reluctant to make use of it .Probably due to its over confidence coupled with resentment towards me as being instrumental in creation of  aap that cut into its votes at Delhi.
Frankly if my blogging in any way led to the birth of aap party it was purely unintentional.Actually i very much wanted that A .K and co remain as activists or  a pressure group but it was their own inner desire hidden deep within that came out in open after a 10 day fasting  to read the signs and directions they wanted to read in my blog, on those days  and made them enter politics.Remember that when similar pressure was exerted upon me to join a party i withstood it as long as i could ,because my inner most desire wasn't in politics but only a deep commitment to blogging and activism which your hero and idol grasped immediately and let me be.

By the way i was eager to go to villages to collect iron and soil for Patel's statue and museum and i would have given a nice write up backed by photos and video and would have blogged it.My viewers across the world would have read it which could have been an good advertisement for Modi .But the invitation never came though i visited the bjp office twice as  am still its member[though the brush off was obvious and having forgotten of being used as' middle class preception' in foreign policy either  to turf out some of the compromised political elite or purely for upholding india's meagre and nearly non existent prestige abroad or for both ,much against my will ,i concluded that the frosty reception was due to my role in aap politics hence this long clarification]   and i am not all that energetic and pushy to stubbornly insist on being taken to those tours.[ Tamilnadu.]
In conclusion ,dear young fans of Namo kindly bear it mind that i am also being exploited to throw a spanner in the works of  modi campaign and it is humanly impossible not to succumb to such sustained stealthy pressures that i try hard not to .So please be on guard.And remember that i did want to build up your idols image [tiny tho'] in my own way.

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