Tuesday, 11 February 2014

Public preceptions expert.!

I am in the eye of political storm not because of my political ideologies or leanings since none of them are clear cut  and compartamalised but because of my  being the quintessential   public of India .
My grand father , father and my husband had and have clear cut political leanings and i realise after an exhaustive bout  of diary writing yesterday in the solitude of a house to myself and sorting out the haze enveloping me like a blinding blaze kept constantly kindled by   politicos fishing into my ideas directly [those ruling,naturally with their desperation and where withal at their disposal]and others through my writings that includes very much my diary with help of conniving   minions ,i realise that i never had any , only that India should be safe from external aggression and have clean environment, good roads ,uninterrupted supply f water and electricity ,a sizable expendable income and that  children shouldn't be forced into the terribly tension filled useless race to secure high marks and even higher marks to make a mark in life ,that is in pursuit of a comfortable and happy living but enjoy it and get enjoyable jobs with good income ,afford travelling around the country and enjoy leisure in reasonable entertainments ,take pride in getting international acclaim and prizes in sports ,movies, music , literature,science etc as well as pride in keeping up with the achievements of the developed countries like missions to space ,mars and securing a station at Antarctica and so on .

I suppose this ordinary precept ion is what super smart  politicians with their razor sharp intelligence are looking for .Funnily that which is within the grasp of a normal ordinary citizen is not within theirs!
With Internet ,the ordinary perceptions of ordinary citizens are going world wide.And i was caught , trapped and used precisely because of my blogging and now my diary which reveals at times my real perceptions shorn of the super imposed ones .

The fatigue of the nation with lack of even a  speck of patriotism in the ruling party --lack of development coupled with lack of pride in development, pampering of divisiveness, indifference to terrorist acts and soft pedalling them and lack of pride in normal Hindu identity[this was proved by an anchor of ndtv 's sad and obviously disappointed demeanour a couple of months back whilst revealing the statistics that 50% or more % of Indians are centre right and i was soundly thrashed 2 year back for daring to recognise this and say so several years earlier and also for persisting on saying so despite threats,and insults   ]  and deliberately suppressing it to please other communities , and the revelation of unbelievably astronomical corruption figures , was reflected in the Internet blogs and in comments of various blogs and articles of even some of the leading newspapers and mags  that were put online ,as well. Not wanting to offend or hurt this very well educated or well informed or both , the main tide that was flowing, i too went along with them .It was the politicians who were flowing against this'Young tide ' with thier aversion to the net with its free speeech that wasn't scared of authority  and free ventilation of emotions without any political clouring on issues which politicians were capitalising or had a stake on or wanted to be hidden.

Unfortunately i was proved right ,in the rise of Modi and Aap.I say unfortunate because ,from then onwards expectations on my public observations and perceptions has grown tremendously putting too much pressure upon me.Either to tweak it or compulsorily give it.

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