For the past few months the topic caste is in the air.census ,survey etc.Here is my take.
As per the 'original sin' Purusha suktum allegedly conceived and propogated by vile Brahmins to keep the populace of Bharat under their foot ,all the four castes originated from the four bodily parts of Yagya Purusha that is Bhagwaan.,who rose from a Yaga conducted in ancient times by Brahma .
They are Brahmins, Kshatriyas, Vaisyas and Sudras.
I am a Brahmin woman and till 60 years of age i was under this unshakeable conviction that me being in the top most in the caste ladder were in majority.and was therefore reeling with the opiate high with the feeling 'We Brahmins' have India in our palms .
Had a terrific shock when my ignorance to our actual numbers was shattered on reading the statistics of a census or survey conducted several decades back which said that the so called the three forward castes viz Brahmins, Kshatriyas and Vaisyas were in a minority .Their percentage put together was only 20 to 30 % in whole of India! And Brahmins barely 10 % ! The so called backward caste viz Shudras constituted the rest!Nearly 70-80 %!
It shook me out of my pride .What is the use of being top most in social heirarchy owing to birth if there aeren't sufficient numbers boost this pride.?
Then i pondered over this ratio.What is the reason behind this?Weren't we all created at the same time , yuga and same place from one single body/atma? as per shastras .Weren't all the 4 castes allotted a particular duty to which all bound themselves sincerely without much deviations for centuries ?So our population should also be in equal proportions.But no that is not the case as pointed above.
So i reasoned thus--The top most caste Brahmins the twice borns, the priestly caste had a very tough life to lead .Our Brahmin men had to cram all the vedas , shastras , rituals ,philosophy etc and eat only twice a day that to sparingly.They relied on dakshina's ,.They were not supposed to accumulate wealth. Their earnings depended on what others gave .Thier economic status depended on the munificence of rulers viz Kshatriyas .
All our Brahmin anscestors were lean and poor.That is how many ancient books describe a Brahmin.So unable to withstand the rigours of highly ritualistic life they followed for themsleves and performed for the rest of the populace and with a starvation diet they slowly petered out over the ages.
Most of the Kshatriyas, second highest caste, who were allotted the duty to fight and defend the country were wiped out in the Mahabharat war .I kept coming across the following lament of KingYudhishtra in Mahabharat 'Why was i born a kshatriya? I have to kill people and keep seeing blood shed'.And the rest or a part of Kshatriyas died repulsing invaders starting from Alexander's invasion since 325 BCE.
The Vaisyas third in the line, who were allotted the duty to trade, undertook hazardous journeys across deserts, forests and seas for trade and were killed by robbers or drowned in the seas .So their numbers also started to dwindle.
The fourth and last caste the Shudras who were allotted the duty to till the soil could pursue their caste order without any hindrance .Wars were fought in battle fields hence it didnot obstruct their daily lives , they didnot go on hazardous journeys for trade , they had no restrictions on food or drinks.So they laboured , ate well, drank well and had a free mind uncluttered by rote learning and had very less rituals to perform.They had a jolly good life over the ages!Physical work ,and good food and a free mind made them strong and resilient .They thrived over the ages and are now very naturally in majority.
Conclusion --Purusha was kinder to Sudras the lowest caste than to other three higher castes.
Note--Purusha suktum when sung by Brahmins who have learnt vedas in proper manner and in the proper tune set in ancient times, without using that irritating nasal tone that some brahmins use while reciting the vedas ,is avery soothing song .It calms a turbulent mind and mends frayed nerves and takes one to a higher level , to the realmn of the unknown , the mysterious and is awe inspiring.
Note --Sudras includes Scheduled castes.
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