Wednesday, 4 May 2022
Tuesday, 3 May 2022
Seeing what I visualise.
Four months back whilst dusting and arranging my books i came across a old brittle book written by late Sri Agnihotri ThathaChariar in Tamil.He was our Acharya.
In that book enitittled" Varalatril Pirandha Vainavam "published in 1973, he has in a very scientific manner, using manuscripts ,edicts , inscriptions traces the history of SriVaishnavism in Tamilnadu.
In that book he has written that we have idols in temples not only to worship essence of God in definable form but also to fix our mind on the form of Supreme Brahman.Sri Ramanujar has advocated the meditation on form of MahaVishnu and Lakshmi when ever we recite slokas in their praise or whilst doing japa of the three main mantras viz Ashtashsharamantram , Dvayamantram and Charmasloka.
Ramanuja who established that Supreme Brahman and His consort have a form a body just like us ,has given a vivid word picture of Sriman Narayana and His consort Sri/ Lakshmi, in Vaikuntum.He has described the body , the attire worn and the jewels adorning them as well as the weapons Narayana carries on His person , in his Gadyams.
Yet it is difficult for ordinary people to conjure a image from words unlike the deeply devouts or artists like Ravi Varma.So Thatha chariar says one of the main reasons for enshrining idols in temples is to give us the common people an distinct form to worship and address our prayers , japa etc,to the Supreme Brahman daily in our mind in our daily pujas in our houses by recollecting the images of idols in our mind after visiting temples .
Sri Agnihotri Thatha chariar was a great scholar and an authority on Sri Vaishnavism,besides he was also our Acharaya.His observation and analysis is so practical and easy to implement that I decided to follow it .
So after my usual daily puja of reciting few Slokas and Pasurums i sat quietly with eyes closed trying to recollect the images of my favourite deities-of Perumal and Thaayaar from my previous visits to the temples .I could recollect some of them and it gave me and still gives me a indefinable pleasure in doing so .
I may have 100 hurdles thrown at me to prevent me from visiting a temple or whilst reciting slokas or whilst doing japa but who can obstruct my visualising the temples i like to visit and the handsome form of Srinivasar, Varadhar ,and the touching form of reclining Ranaganathar or Veera Raghavar or the beautiful form of their consorts or the doll like processional deities, glowing with beauty and lustre though dented by age and history?
The very next day I felt a uncontrollable urge to vomit.The nausea persisted ever since i started envisioning the idols .I couldn't eat properly . I felt like throwing up.I was having loose motions every day for past 3 and a half months.
Was there a link between the two .I had surmised that people interested in me could only read my thoughts.I had read in the Net that there are readers that can read a persons thoughts by following the jaw movements of a person, When a person thinks the jaws are said to move .It looked like as if these persons who are so perversly interested in me can even see what I visualise!This news , this discovery even that' people cookers com 'hasn't given.
OK what ever I was not going to abandon my visualising .I am in the house , so what if i make a dozen trips to rest room .I ll at least lose some of my fat .
SO for past 3 months I lost taste, hated food but loved the pleasure of visualising my favourite deities , the granite , black stone idols decked in silk and glittering ornaments.
The highest point of naseau was reached when we visited Bangalore to celebrate Sri Ramanavami and Tamil New Year in a family gathering.
I continued with my daily puja and of visulaising in here also.
After celeberating Rama's birthday in morning we attended a buffet ,a extended family get together in evening hosted primarily for relatives who had come from US.Had a go at all the sweets and good home cooked food.That night nothing happened .Nor the next day .But that night viz the 3 rd night of our stay I woke up in middle of night with my stomach turning upside down on the thick ,hot mattress and a uncontrollable urge to vomit.
I didnot get up .Lay flat without any movment as i feared that even a single movment from me, like just moving my body to get off the bed would make me vomit all over the bed and floor dirtying every thing in that room .Moreover if I gave in to the churning which was so severe , i knew would have become too exhausted and would have to take bed rest for the rest of my stay.
I couldn't make a dash to the bathroom unlike in here ,there was another bed and i at 65 years couldn't possibly hoist my body and jump over it to reach the bathroom.So I told myself relax.Come on control yourself.Bear it.
So I flattened myself and lay like a log.Didn't move a single part of my body .My stomach kept on churning .Was it the sweets i ate the night before?My sugar is not all that high.Was it food poisoning? Others who ate everything I ate were OK.
I shut my mouth tightly and closed my eyes .Suddenly the sculpture of Vishnu , bare,without any adornments ,tall with four hands , holding Chakra floated in my mind.Next heard the threat "Will you visualise and worship Srinivasar here after?Will you?"Even in that horrible state i noticed that it was not Srinivasar's idol since the right hand wasn't turned down .It was turned up in the usual blessing gesture of idols.
I was pinned down to the bed .I could not escape to the bathroom to throw up .I could not get myself to vomit on the bed .I was cornered and to my utter shame I said" No I will not visualise "
In here at my flat in Chennai i would never have caved down thus .I am alert here and am in familiar turf and there are no hurdles to reaching the toilet .I can do it in a jiffy.
That nightmarish threats subsided and slowly my stomachs churning also stopped .that is the no touch torture that lasted for 2 hours or more also left .Then I found my confidence to get up and go to the rest room .No vomit .The nauseau ,the uncontrollable urge to vomit had vanished completely!The typical signature of no touch tortures.The pain will come suddenly and also leave suddenly.without a trace.
I lay on the floor and decided to so for the rest of my stay there.
That morning to my surprise I could drink coffee!No nauseau nothing.
Later that day after my morning puja I said ''go to hell bedi pasangallaYou are attacking me in cover of darkness and from hiding , just like that crazy attempts at conversion in 2014 done on me.Come and tell me face to face that I shouldn't visualise idols and I shouldn't be a Hindu" and again visualised all my favourite idols and felt pleasure coursing through me.
Again naseau started .The pain I was feeling in the left side of my abdomen increased.The pain that was mild in Chennai had increased greatly .I cut down my morning walks and yoga on the terrace .The pain persisted .I had a long list of social outings .The very thought of visiting people scared me ,They would offer me food and the very thought of food was making me nauseuos. At this state I wondered whether I would get back home .I just wanted to hug my stomach and roll on the floor.
Then i decided that i will retreat from the battle till my visit , stop visualising idols till I got back to my familiar turf .I ll be back' Naanum rowdy aakum' .[I t is a dialogue from a comedy film we were watching in which a very mild soft Brahmin[Kamal] threatens to beat up a stranger for throwing a fish at him ] .Like so many battle of wits since I started blogging , I had also endured the bouts of naseau without whining for months at my flat although I knew It was given to me deliberately .I had decided not to write my very public diary and i wasn't going to and i didn't write for nearly a year. .
On dropping my newly found pet project i felt better .I could even visit a Srinivasar temple and eat the prasadham and travel back without the threat of having to keep on visiting the loo on the train
I wouldnot have written about this nightmarish experience as well and would have prefferred to battle it out on my own if not for the excruiting pain that was given to me on the left side of my abdomen on my return back home when , I re started my puja with visualising.Pain killers were of no use .I knew a visit to doc would be a waste.I bore it for three days and then gave up and started writing my diary .My body is getting old and my capacity to endure physical and mental tortures has also diminished.Immediately the pain stopped as I knew it would but I couldn't stop myself from writing on topics --of 'public interest 'my reactions to news" all of which is of no use to me.I observed that this unstoppable urge to write arose whenever a plane thundered above.
This non stop nausea for 3 months and reaching its pinnacle in Bangalore is as bad as micro audio wave torture I was subject to in 2012 in mornings then followed by screwing my scalp tightly at night s in 2014 which was followed by loss of liquid de hydrating and embarrasing me and then conversion attempts with coercion -all done covertly.
Apart from the major ones mentioned above I am constantly given minor ones like sting in eyes, heating my scalp ,dizziness whilst walking outside,sudden rapid thumping and leaping of heart which leaves me fatigued ,and many others.
Though I can safe guard myself from of the so called minor ones by moving away from that spot [ in comparison to major ones that go non stop for minimum 3 weeks]]I can never avert any major no touch torture .I ll never be allowed to write or talk about it .till such time it persists to achieve the goal of shutting me up for a period of time.
When i am let off the relief is so tremendous that i would even forget it like that awful churning of stomach at night and its tame after math.
Earlier I used to write furiously and blog it all owing to my belief in law, liberty, rights,privacy etc .10 years on i have learnt it in hard way .Law , rights etc be damned.All mannanga gatti It is a waste of time lamenting about the lack of it .No one cares .There must be scores of recepients of such no touch tortures much before i became a victim,[ they may not even know of it ,]since such skills cannot be honned in a day just for me and there could surely be in future also.
BUTthe pain in my abdomen in here after my trip to Bangalore forced me to write hoping to get relief and i got the relief immediately.I knew that because I wrote other tortures would also follow ,it is not going to stop ,but my immediate need was to stop persons from giving me excruiting pain in my abdomen[third degree methods] and i knew that only way is to write my public diary.
I read news and watch tv news for information and to be up to date and as a past time.I have views and then i forget it.Why should i write a thesis on it ?I am not a journalist who makes money out of writing on public issues nor a politician to to keep in touch with public so as .to keep themselves in power.This dirty game cannot consume my life .But it is.That is a fact.and it is very tough to get away from this trap, a vicious game
What had started as voluntary blogging in 2008 has become coercive after 2012.Then, that is upto2010 there were hardly any one on net now there are hordes with millions of views and ideas .So why still stick on to me?
I blogged this because ordinary persons will normally not have such equipments and I am sure only specialists who are reading my thoughts are also see what i visualise within me.This rattled and shocked me. which crevice of my heart or recess of my mind can i ever claim to be mine? .
Why are these specialists scaring me out of my visualisng Vishnu and Lakshmi?Is it causing them allergy?Who are these perverts who are so interested about my every thought i have and every thing i imagine or visualise?They are not well intentioned .They are bad and inimical .They have no respect or regard for me.They are either full of hatred towards me or want to exploit me to suit their purposes.
If they had any regards or respect they wouldn't be constantly torturing me in this under hand manner.If they really needed my views or want to change my religion they ought to be approaching me directly and not keep on playing this hide and seek game..
Sum Total--As per specialists of no touch torture and third degree methods who hide their face and identity and
1.I cannot pursue my religion[Hindu] and my sect[Sri Vaishnavism].Coercion will be used if i dare to .
2.My thoughts are read non stop.
3.They can also see what i visualise and this is also non stop.
4.I have to express my opinion, analysis etc on news ,revolving around the voting class -the lower strata of society , which hog tv English news.This will be extracted in coercive manner.
5.I also have to express opinion on foreign news .This also will be extracted in a coercive manner.
6. On one hand coercion will be used to shut me down for a month which is generaly related to attendance of leaders to UN sessions and on other coercion will be used to extract my views on controversies shown on TV .That is I have to write it down.
Did I write my views on news hogging TV .I did but i will not blog it.It is of no use.My diary is no longer personal it is a journal read by all and made use of so why waste my time and energy on writing about controversial matters with which i can never relate with and is very distant from the realities of my life..
Monday, 2 May 2022
Vadakalai Satrumurai --Meanings.
After reciting slokas or performing archana or aaradhana of Saligramam or at end of auspicious events in house holds and in temples the puja is completed by showing camphor aarti to the pictures and idols of deities and saligramam
Then the following Sanskrit slokas in praise of Vishnu , Pasurums and Sanskrit slokas in praise of Ramanujar and Desikan and Tamil verses in praise of Swamy Desikan are recited by one and all .On the completion of this recital obsceince is paid to the deities by getting down on one's knees[women] or lying flat [by men only] doing namaskaram.
This recitation of select Slokas and Pasurums one after the other is known as Satrumurai.They are as follows.-
The following mantra from Rig veda is recited when Camphor aarti is shown to the deities on completion of the puja--
Thath Vishno: Paramam padam ,sadha pashyanthi soorya:| Thweeva sakshurathatham|
The wise and true seekers realise the Lord through meditation within their own self. They see Him vividly as the eye ranges over the sky.
Thathvipraso vipanyavo jaakroovaam sas saminthathe'| Vishnor yeth paramam padham||
By transcendental meditation and pious acts the vigilant seeker of truth realises the All pervading God within the innermost cavity , the Supreme abode of the Lord.
Another meaning of the above Mantra --
The Nithya soories eulogise the sacred body of the Lord of Vaikuntum, the reward of Mukthas with fully blossemed gyanam and they enjoy that Lord without any interruption.
Bharyapathya anathrayaya sarvasthomo|
Adhirathtra muthama maharbhavathi sarvasyaapthyai
Sarvasya jithyai sarvameva thenaapnothi sarvam jayathi.||
1.Sitran siru kale vandhu unnai sevithu,un potra maraiadiye potrum porrul kellai,
petram meithu unnum kulathil pirandha nee,kutravel yengalai kollamal poghadhu ,
ittrrai parai kollvaan andru kaan Govinda,yettraikum yezh yezh piravikkum unthanodu
utrame yaavom unnake naam aat seivom mattrai num kamangal maatrelorembavai ....... [29 th Pasurum from Thirupavvai by Andal]
Do listen to the reason behind us all praising Your lotus like golden feet , so early in the morning.
You have taken birth in a clan that makes a living by grazing cows.
Donot commit the crime of not accepting our devotion towards You.
We have come seeking a boon from You today after keeping our penance for a long period of time.
Govinda ! The boon we seek is that in all our 7/7 births and in all Your avatars we should have a close relationship with You.
We will serve none other than You.
Please remove all the desires that contradict and deviates our above mentioned prayers and objectives of our penance.
Expla--The main boon sought by the young girls who are keeping a month long penance is to render services to the sacred feet of Sri Krishna alone for all times to come in all their 7/7 births and in all His avatars.
2.Vanga kadal kadaindha Madhavanai Kesavanai thingal thirumugathu seyezhaiyaar sendru irrainjee,
Anga parai konda vatrai anni pudhuvai paing kamala thuntherial Bhattar piran Kodhai sonna,
Sanga Tamizh maalai muppadhum thappame ingu ip parisuraipaar,yeer yirandu maal varai thol,
Sengann thiru mugathu selvath Thirumaalaal yengum thiru arul petru inburuvaar yembavai! ......
[30 th Pasurum of Thirupavai by Andal]
The legend of moon like bright faced damsels adorned in ornaments , keeping penance and seeking boons from Madhavan alias Kesavan , who once churned the milky ocean for Amurthum , is related by Andal hailing from Sri Valliputhur,
She is the daughter of Bhattar Piran.[Periazhwar]She decorates herself with cool and pleasant garland of lotuses.
Those who recite all the above 30 hymns written in Sanga Tamil [ancient Tamil] will derive lasting bliss showered on them by the red eyed handsome four shouldered,ever auspicious Sriman Narayana.
Expla --The above Pasurum refers to the benifits that accrue on reciting all 30 Pasurums of Thirupavai.
3.Pallandu pallandu pallayirathandu pala kodi nooraayirum,
Mallanda thinthol Manivanna ! Un sevvadi sevvee thirukaapu.-----[first Pasurum from Pallandu by PeriaAzhwar]
For several years, several more years ,
For several thousands of years and for crores of lakhs of years ,
The strong shouldered blue hued victor of wrestlers,!May Your reddish sacred feet be well protected.
4.Adiyomodum Ninnodum pirrevindree aayiram pallandu,
Vadivai Nin vala marbil vaazhginra Mangaiyum pallandu,
Vadivaar jothi valathuraiyum sudar Aazhiyum pallandu ,
Padaiporukku muzhnagum ap Panjya Sanniyamum pallande.--- [Pasurum 2 of Pallandu By Peria Azhwar]
Swamy ! We , Your devoted followers hope and pray that we remain inseparable from You for several crores of lakhs years to come,
And that Mahalakshmi who has brought lustre to Your sacred form by residing permanently on the right side of Your chest continues to do so for several crores of lakhs of years,
That the bright and glowing Chakra held in Your sacred right hand and that Conch known as Panchajanya which roars in wars , continues to do so for several crores of lakhs of years !
5.****Thirumagalum thiruvadivum thiruarullum thell arivum.
Arumai illamaiyum uravum allapu ariya adi arasum,
Karuma azhipu, allipu, amaipung kalakam illa vagai nindra ,
Arul Varadhar nillai illakil ambu yena naan amizhindhen.........[.Prabandham 10 of Adaikala pathu By Swamy Desikan ]
Varadhar never separates from Lakshmi even for a few seconds .
He has a sacred form that steals the heart of any one who sees Him.
He is full of compassion towards those who have surrendered to Him.
He knows every thing,
He is easily accessible to His devotees,
He has all Chetanas as His body,
Since time immemorial He has been ruling the entire world,
He creates, protects and destroys everything .
The above qualities will never depart from the highly compassionate Varadhar,
I have immersed myself totally in such compassion like a arrow reaching its target,
And I have become inseparable from His sacred feet.
6.****Aarupayan veru illa adiyavargal anaivarkum,
Aarum adhan payanum ivai oru kalum palakalum,
Aaru payan yenave kandu Arullalar adiyinai mel,
Kooria nalguna uraigal ivai paththum kodilave. ..... [.Pasurum 11 0f Adaikalapaththu By Swamy Desikan ]
All those devotees who have no other means except to surrender at the feet of Sriman Narayana need to seek refuge at His sacred feet only once.But the fruits reaped from this surrender is attainment of Moksham which can be experienced without limitations of Time.
Moksham can be enjoyed thoroughly at all times,
Having grasped the above truth these 10 Pasurums that praise Varadhar are blemishless.
7.****Vannul amarndhavarukkum varundhu varum nilai thaan ullanai,
Ughakum tharam ingu namakku ulladhe!
Goon ulla nenjugalal kutram yenni igazhdhidinum,
Th'en ulla padhamalar Thirumalukku thithikume . ...........[.Pasurum 55 of Adhikarsangiragam By Swamy Desikan]
Even Indran and Devas as well as Nithya Soories who reside permanently in Vaikuntum find it difficult to adhere to the penances mentioned in this Prabhandham .
I am lucky to have been bestowed with the knowledge of penances that guides a person to achieve Moksham, owing to the blessings of Acharyas.
I am also lucky to see persons who follow the Shastras and penances in this Karma Bhoomi .
How lucky I am ! How blessed I am!
There are persons with perverted minds who claim that this Prabhandham written by me is full of faults and also sneer at me like as if I am personification of faults.
Even if some persons hate my Prabhandhams and me, I am sure that Sriman Narayana whose lotus like sacred feet is drenched with honey will relish this Prabhandham as a delicious sweet.
8.****Vellai parimugar desikarai viragaal adiyom ullathu yezhudhiayadhu olaiyil ittanam yaam,
Idharkku yen? Kollath thuniyinum kodhu yendru igazhinum, koor madhiyeer!
Yellathanai ughavadhu ighazhaadhu yem yezhil madhiye!........[56 th Pasurum of Adhikara Sangiragam By Swamy Desikan]
Sri Hayagreeva who has a face like a white horse who took the avatar as our Acharya has blessed me by writing all the above mentioned advise in my heart,
I wrote it down in palm leaf so that all could learn it to derive benifits.
Those with sharp intellect know that there is no scope of or any stain or blemish in these Sooktums since Hayagreeva Himself has delivered all that is enunciated in this Prabhandham.
If you all can grasp the beauty and importance of these Pasurums and accept it my tranquil heart will not rejoice.
Or even if you all reject the Pasurums and despise it, my tranquil heart will not hate you.
9.****Vaiyagam yenn Poigai, Bhoodham,Pei Azhwar, Mazhisaiyar kone, Magizh Maran, Madura kavigal
Poyyil pugazh Kozhiyoor kone, Vittu Chiththan, Poongkodhai, Thondar adi podi, Bana azhwar,
Aiyan arul Kaliyan, Ethirasar thumodu, aariruvar vor oruvar avar thaam seidha thuyya Tamizh irupathu nangin paatin thogai naalayiramum adiyongal vaazhave.......[17 th Pasurum of Prabhandha saram By Swamy Desikan]
The people of this world follow---Poigai azhwar,Bhoodhat azhwar,Pei azhwar, Thirumizhai azhwar-the leader of all residents of Thirumizhai, Nammazhwar-who wears a garland of Maghizhum flowers,Mathura kavi, Kulasekara azhwar -the ruler of people of Uraiyoor who is indestructible fame, Periazhwar, beautiful Andal, Tondar adi podi azhwar, Thiru panazhwar,Thirumangai azhwar-who is full of spiritual bliss and is like a Swamy to us and Ethirajar-the principle devotee of Sri Rramanujar,
Who are all in total 13 in number.They have blessed us with 24 Prabhandhams in chaste Tamil.
The hymns in all Prabhandhams total to 4000 Pasurums.These Pasurums are the tools for us to lead a
good, benificial and a spiritual life.
10.****Andhamilaa aaranna naalaghi nindra adhan karuthai aazhwargal aindhu yeduthu,
Senthamizhil arul seidha vagai thogaiyum ,
Sandham miga Tamizh maraiyon, Toopul thondrum Vedantha Guru mozhindha Prabhandhasaaram,
Sindhaiyinaal anudhinamum sindhiporku ,
Kshemam Thirumaal thun karunaiyaale.....................[18th Pasurum of Prabhandha saaram By Swamy Desikan]
Vedas are infinite.They have been divided and classified under 4 headings viz-Rig,Yajur, Samam and Atharvana.
Aazhwars have gathered their essence and have blessed us with Divya Prabandham in Tamil.
I, Vedantha Desikan who was born in Toopul , having learnt the Tamil Vedas viz Divya Prabhandhams of Aazhwars , and takes pride in calling myself as Tamil Vedic scholar ["Tamizh maraiyon "for learning all the Pasurums thoroughly] has published the number of Prabhandhams and the number of Pasurums in each Prabhandham so that no confusion or miscalculation arise regarding their count in future.
I am doing this for the benifit for the people of this world.
Those who meditate and recite this Prabhandha saaram daily will be blessed by Sriman Narayana.
Expla--Marai means Vedas.
11.Thondar ugakkum thunai adi vaazhi,
Nin thoomuruval konda mugam vaazhi,
Vaazhi vyakiya muthirai kai,
Vann iru namamum vaazhi,
Mani vada mupuri nool konda ,
Seer Thoopul kulamaniye,
Vaazhi nin vadive. ........[19 th Pasurum of Pillai Andhadhi By Kumara Varadha Charya]
Rare , unique and precious gem of Thoopul clan!
Long live your two sacred feet that your devotees pay loving obscience to
Long live your face that is adorned with a peerless smile,
Long live your hand that is in Vyakiya mudra,
Long live that namum adorning you,
Long live your divine vigraha that is adorned with namum denoting the sacred feet of Sriman Narayana,
and garlands made of tulsi and lotus beeds and your yajnopaveethai.[poonal]
Long live the memory of your divine self in all your devotees.
12.****Vadivazhagu aartha vann Thoopul vallal men malar adi mel ,
Adiyavar vodha andhadhi irupadhum aaindhu uraithen,
Thidamum eedhai dhinamthorum aadharithu vodhum anbhar,
mudiyidai nerpadum Thoopul amman padha malare.........[20 th Pasurum of Pillai Andhadhi By Kumara Vardacharya]
The philantropist who was born in Thoopul has a beautiful and handsome face that exudes tejas.
There can be no limit in praising the delicate lotus feet of Sri Desikan.
I have taken the essence of Shastras and have sung twenty Pasurums to enable devotees to recite them daily in a easy manner.
How can I enumerate the countless benifits that will accrue to those who recite thesesPasurums with determination and love.
Such devotees will experience Swamy Desikans's sacred feet on crown of their head and which will remain therein permanently.
There is no greater benifit to a devotee than the everlasting relationship with his acharya.This is assured to all those who meditate on these Pasurums.
13****Mamalar manniya mangai magizhindhu urai marbhinan,
Thaal thoomalar soodia thol arul Maran adi keezh,
Vaazhvai ugakum Iramanusa muni vannmai potrum seermaiyan,
Engal Thoopul pillai paadham yen senniyadhe.............[Pasurum 1 Pillai Andhaadhi By KumaraVardhaCharya]
Mahalakshmi who is seated on a lotus resides very happily and at all times in the chest of Maha Vishnu,
Numm aazhwar who is infinetly compassionate towards all beings spiritual growth adorns his hair in the crown of his head with the pure flowers viz Sriman Narayana's sacred feet,
Ramanuja muni who expounded sookthi's like Bhashyam for betterment of the world has won fame by taking recourse to the feet of Num Azhwar as the means as well as the fruit of his endeavours,
Sri Thoopul Desikan is full of praises of the merciful nature of Ramanujar .
The sacred feet of our Swamy Desikan which has so many special qualities is decorating my hair in the crown of my head.
Note :The 4 starred viz **** Pasurums denotes the expanded version of Satrumurai as given in Sri Desika Darasana Diary and Guide /Sri Desika Darsana Panjangam-2022 -2023.
14.Sarvadesa dhasakaalesh vavyahatha parakrama|
Ramanujacharya divyagnya varthama abhivarthatha thaam||
Let Bhagvat Ramanuja's most magnificent instructions [Sri VisishtaDwaita Philosophy and Sri Vaishnavism principles ]increase and pervade through all countries at all times without any hindrance.
15.Ramanuja Charia divyangya prathivasaram ujjwala|
Dhigantha vyapi nee bhooyaath saahiloka hidhaikshini||
Let Bhagvat Ramanujar's divine order grow ,each passing day with more and more brightness.
Let this order spread to all directions and confer benifits.
16.Sriman!Sriranga sriya manubhathrava anudhinum sumvarthaya|
Sriman!Sriranga sriya manubhathrava anudhinum sumvarthaya||
Let Sri that is Srirangam prosper and grow each day without any hindrance.
Let Sri that is SriRangam grow and prosper each day without any hindrance.
17.Namo Ramanuja charya vedanthartha pradhayine|
Athreya padmanabhayar sudhaya gunashaline||
Vaazhi Thirunamum of Swamy Desikan
18.Ramanuja daya pathram gyana vairagya bhushanum|
Srimath venkata naatharyam vande vedantha Desikum.
He has Ramanujar's blessings.
He is also the avatar of Sri Venkateswara. [as Venkateswara's bell].
19.Vaazhi Ramanusap pillaan madhakavaal,
Vaazhi anni nigamantha guru-vaazhiyavan,
Maaran Maraiyum Ramanusan Bhashyamum,
Therum padi uraikkum seer. .... .[By Kumara Vardhacharya --SwamyDesikan's son]
Hail the guru of Vedantha who prospers with the blessings of Athreya Ramanujacharya,
Hail the efficacy with which he presented Num azhwars ThiruMozhi and Ramanujar's Bhashyam .
20.Vanja para samayom maatra vandhon vaazhiye!
Mannu pugazh Poodhooraan manum ugapom vaazhiye!
Kanchath Thirumangai ugakka vandhon vaazhiye!
Kaliyan urai konda karuthudaiyon vaazhiye!
Senjol Tamizh maraigal thelindhu uraipon vaazhiye!
Tirumalai maal thiru manniyay sirakka vandhon vaazhiye!
Senth Tamizh Thoopul Thiru Vengadavan vaazhiye!
Hail the one who conquered fake philosophies and established Sri Ramanujar's Visishtadwaita philosophy unequivocally!
Hail the one who warmed the heart of ever famous Sri Perumbudur born [Ramanujar]!
Hail the one who pleased the sacred Woman [Lakshmi] residing in the lotus [and received the tittle Sarva Tantra -Swanthanthra from Her]!
Hail the one who always has in his heart the meanings of Thiru Mangai azhwar's (6) Prabhandhams.!
Hail the one who clearly enunciated the rich and authentic Tamil Vedas known as Divya Prabhandham.!
Hail the one who was born as the great bell of the Lord of seven hills.!
Hail the one who handed us the doctrine of "Prapathi ",the great means through master pieces like Srimath Rahasya Traya Saram.!
Hail Venkatanatha of Thoopul who is master of chaste Tamil.
21.Naanilamum thaan vaazha nangu maraigal thaam vaazha ,
Managarin Maran marai vaazha,
Gyaniyargal senni anni ser Thoopul Vedantha Desikane',
Innum oru nootrandu irrum............[.By SwamyDesikan's first disciple -Brahma tantra Swantantra jeeyar]
May the whole world thrive.May the Vedas prosper.
May the Vedas of Num azhwar [also of other azhwars that is -Divya Prabhandham] reign in the great city of Sri Rangam.
'O 'Vedanta Desika of Thoopul who adorns the lineage of great acharyas ,
May you live for one more century!
22.Vaazhi anni Thoopul varum Nigamantha aasirian,
Vaazhiyavan padha aravindha malar,
Vaazhiyavan kodhilath thaall malarai kondadi kondirukkum
Theedhila nallor thirall......[By Swamy's disciple Bramha Tantra Swatantra jeeyar]
Hail the acharya of Nigamantha who hails from beautiful Thoopul.
Hail his lotus feet,
Hail the harmless group of good natured devotees who keep celeberating his spot less flower like feet.
Thiru naall Pattu--Birthday greetings to Swamy Desikan.
By his son Kumara Varadacharya.
23.Vaadhaasanavarar ivaryena varuma Bhashyam vagai peru naall,
Vagulla bharanna Perumaal Thamizhin vaasi arindhidu naall,
Bheda bedham brahmam yana vagai Brahmam thellivithidu naall,
Pechonruku 'Sadha Dhooshiniyai' pesia Desika naall,
Theedhagiya pala maya kalaigal chic yena vendridu naall,
Dhikku yettum pugazh Sri Bhasyathai thelliya uraithidu naall,
Odhadhodhum Vedanthariyun udayam sedhidu naall,
Uthamamana Purattasi Thiru vonam yenum naalle'.
This is the day which signalled SwamyDesikan's propogation of Sri Bhashyam the master piece of Sri Ramanuja,who is incarnation of Adhisesha,
This is the day which beckoned the arrival of great works [by Swamy Desikan]on the Tamil Prabhandhams of Numazhwar,.
This is the day which clarified the state of Brahman by getting rid of illusions involving Bedha and Abedha Sruti's through re-conciliatory aphormisms.[In form of Sri Bhashyam],
This is the day [Swamy Desikan] launched into offences with 'Satha Dushani' and quelled the challenge of debators.
This is the day that announced the clinical conquests of pretenders and bad elements,[By DesikanSwamy]
This is the day which augured the spreading of Sri Bhashyam to all corners,
This is the day in which rose the genius of an Acharaya of Philosophy,
This is the great day , that is Puratasi Thiruvonam.
1.Vadakalai Nithya Anusandhanum By Sri RamaDesikacharya Swamy .Published by Lifco.
2.Sri Desika Darsana Diary and Guide--2022-2023.
Meanings From--
1.Sadagopan org.
2.Thirupavai by P.C.Acharya- TTD publications
3.Naalayira Divya Prabhandham by Kamala Kannan
4.Sri Desika Prabhamdham by Sri RamaDesikachariar Swamy.Published by Lifco. Desikar Devasthanam Mylapore Chennai.