Thursday, 28 July 2016

Gained entry

Today viz 28 th of July 2016, i could finally acces this blog of mine.Hope my luck lasts.If it does i can use this blog site  for publishing my translations of slokas and Pasurams.

i finally figured out the way  or was finally allowed to access this site and was able to edit my profile so as to give a correct picture of my status..
i edited my membership to a political party as i consider myself to be on my own .A citizen of India/Bharat ,An person who values her rights and freedoms that was mine to enjoy till 2010 when i started to blog actively in my original blog site Sujataism .In all my 54 years of life i never had a single lament or complaint about lack of freedom  guarenteed to me and to rest of us until i first encountered shackles to my freedom of expression whilst blogging and later to curtailemnt of most of my rights and freedoms from May  2012  onwards .
The highly skilled and brutal manner by which my freedoms were  curtailed and is still being curtailed makes me feel that such trainings to persons wreaking it on me can be imparted only by a government.
I had joined BJP in 2013 hoping to escape the belligerent form of shadowy attacks by my neighbours who are  Muslims, christians and  over secular hindus  since bjp was known asa party for Hindus and as protector of Hindus. I was blogging extensively on Hinduism in 2011 .

But i received no support.Was even laughed at.Probably most people still do as they will never understand, implants, radio frequency id , micro wave attacks and auditory masking ,  used liberally all over me to keep me away from blogging and even writing my diary  .I have written in detail about all these brutal form of control that was exercised over me and is still being exersiced in Sujataism .

The no touch  tortures became unbearably painful in 2014 -2015 and attempts were  made assiduosly to wipe out my memory and to change my religion and sect.
I stood my ground .No party or activist came to my help ,though shamefully yet truthfully my personal diary was rendered into a  public diary.and many must have known what was being done to was and is a battle i am fighting on my own.

After gaining my confidence i came on net and blogged in my original site Sujataism  but couldn't acces this site ,I could do so only today .The first thing i did was to edit my profile .I am steering clear of politicians and political parties and making it clear to my viewers that i am on my own and that i have no links or contacts or support from the party i joined BJP [which i joined  out of compulsion] and from which i have resigned nor with any other party.

